Saturday, February 5, 2011

5 Favorites

Today while thinking of what to write about. It came to me that the best place to start would be the games that made me keep coming back for more and fed my addiction for virtual badass-ness. So how about the 5 games that I just couldn't get enough of.
Beware Spoilers Below

5. Pokemon Blue 
I remember getting a brand spanking new Game Boy Color for a birthday that seems like a long while back now, also included was this little cartridge of awesome. I don't even have to say that I was instantly hooked. Who wouldn't want a small platoon of battle hardened monsters hidden in your backpack ready to attack on command, seriously.

It had a good storyline and a large amount of stuff to keep you busy. A great game that defiantly deserved to be played. I fondly remember walking in endless circles waiting for the battle screen to load up, anxious for that one Pokemon I was in search of, that ass-hat Gary and Team Rocket "trying" to stop my from become the all mighty champion.

All in all a classic, a game you should play if you are an RPG fan of any caliber. And if you have played it then you know exactly what I mean. 

Finally Evolving = Badassical


  1. Haha.... Magikarp is so uselss :p

  2. Ahh... Pokemon. The good ol' days when "SHOOTSHOOTSHOOT" wasn't the strategy.

  3. LOL. One of the characters in my comic is named "Tumor Penguin".

  4. I always considered Blue version the best.

  5. Pokemon Blue. Yay! Good choice. :)

  6. i remember back to those days when there were only the original pokemon, all these new ones i consider fake lol
